var _part_ = require( "part" );
var aop = {
var _part_ = require( "part" );
var aop = {
returns the value of the first argument
identity: function identity( id ) {
return id;
augment: _part_.augment,
borrow: _part_.borrow
aop.augment( "borrow", aop.borrow );
aop.borrow( Function.prototype, "apply" );
aop.borrow( Function.prototype, "call" );
see console api
["log", "warn", "error"].map( function ( name ) {
aop[ name ] = aop._call( console[ name ], console );
} );
takes a function which will become the pointcut of the aspect
and returns a function which takes an array of after advices.
takes an array of after advices and returns a function
which takes a function that will become the pointcut of the aspect.
after advices receive the following parameters:
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
add = aop._after( add )( [aop.log] );
add( 1, 2 );
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
var log = aop.after_( [aop.log] );
add = log( add );
add( 1, 2 );
aop.augment( "after", function ( advices ) {
var pointCut = aop._apply( this ),
joinPoints = [ aop.identity ].concat( advices );
return function () {
return aop.call_( this, pointCut( this, arguments ) ) )[ 0 ];
} );
takes a function which will become the pointcut of the aspect
and returns a function which takes an array of before advices.
takes an array of before advices and returns a function
which takes a function that will become the pointcut of the aspect
before advices receive the arguments as parameters
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
add = aop._before( add )( [aop.log] );
add( 1, 2 );
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
var log = aop.before_( [aop.log] );
add = log( add );
add( 1, 2 );
aop.augment( "before", function ( advices ) {
var joinPoints = advices.concat( this );
return function () {
return aop.apply_( this, arguments ) )[ advices.length ];
} );
takes a function which will become the pointcut of the aspect
and returns a function which takes two arrays of before and after advices.
takes two arrays of before and after advices and returns a function
which takes a function that will become the pointcut of the aspect.
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
add = aop._around( add )( [aop.log], [aop.log] );
add( 1, 2 );
var add = function ( a, b ) { return a + b; }
var log = aop.around_( [aop.log], [aop.log] );
add = log( add );
add( 1, 2 );
aop.augment( "around", function ( before, after ) {
var aspect = aop._apply( aop.before_( before )( this ) ),
joinPoints = [ aop.identity ].concat( after );
return function () {
return aop.call_( this, aspect( this, arguments ) ) )[ 0 ];
} );
module.exports = aop;