Jquery Type And Custom Types
jQuery uses a clever bit of code to extract the type of a parameter.
$.type([]); //array
You can derive most of JavaScript’s weak types using the typeof
However, this often returns unexpected results:
typeof new Array(); //object -- wrong
typeof []; //object -- wrong
typeof 1; //number
typeof new Number(1); //object -- wrong
typeof NaN; //number -- wrong?
typeof null; //object -- wrong
typeof true; //boolean
typeof new Boolean(true); //object -- wrong
typeof "x"; //string
typeof new String("x"); //object -- wrong
typeof new Date(); //object -- useless
typeof /x/; //function -- wrong
typeof new RegExp("x"); //function -- wrong
typeof document; //object -- useless
jQuery solved this problem by applying the Object.prototype.toString method which returns more predictable results–albeit in a strange format:
var type = Object.prototype.toString;
type.call(new Array()); //[object Array]
type.call([]); //[object Array]
type.call(1); //[object Number]
type.call(new Number(1)); //[object Number]
type.call(NaN); //[object Number] --rly?
type.call(null); //[object global] --huh?
type.call(true); //[object Boolean]
type.call(new Boolean(true)); //[object Boolean]
type.call("x"); //[object String]
type.call(new String("x")); //[object String]
type.call(new Date()); //[object Date]
type.call(/x/); //[object RegExp]
type.call(new RegExp("x")); //[object RegExp]
type.call(document); //[object HTMLDocument]
However, this technique will not work with your home-grown types (Classes). For instance:
var type = Object.prototype.toString;
var X = function () {};
type.call(new X()); //[object Object]
X.prototype.toString = function () {
return "\[object X\]";
type.call(new X()); //[object Object]
You probably expected to see “[object X]”.
Well, there’s another Object.prototype
method called toLocaleString
It’s best known as a way to localize date objects. However, as the MDC points out
it returns toString
, so it can work on any object that has that method.
var type = Object.prototype.toLocaleString;
var X = function () {};
X.prototype.toString = function () {
return "[object X]";
type.call(new X()); //[object X]
One more hurdle to overcome–just using toLocaleString will cause normal objects to return their string values instead of a type string:
var type = Object.prototype.toLocaleString;
type(new Array()); // ""
type.call(1); // 1
type.call("x"); // "x"
type.call(/x/) // "/x/"
By using toLocaleString only for “[object Object]” results, we can create a more convenient type method and get the expected results. I will also take the time to fix null, undefined, and NaN. Using a simple memoizer, I will collect and return the constructor in lower case like jQuery does:
var type = (function () {
var memo = {},
rword = /\w+/g,
memoize = function (str) {
if (typeof memo[str] === "undefined") {
memo[str] = str.match(rword)[1].toLowerCase();
return memo[str];
return function (obj) {
var t, s = Object.prototype.toString,
ls = Object.prototype.toLocaleString;
if (typeof obj === "undefined") {
return "undefined";
if (obj === null) {
return "null";
t = s.call(obj);
switch (t) {
case "[object Object]":
t = ls.call(obj);
case "[object Number]":
if (ls.call(obj) === "NaN") {
t = "[object NaN]";
return memoize(t);
var X = function () {};
X.prototype.toString = function () {
return "[object X]";
console.log("type(new Array()) //", type(new Array()), type(new Array()) === "array");
console.log("type([]) //", type([]), type([]) === "array");
console.log("type(1) //", type(1), type(1) === "number");
console.log("type(new Number(1)) //", type(new Number(1)), type(new Number(1)) === "number");
console.log("type(NaN) //", type(NaN), type(NaN) === "nan");
console.log("type(null) //", type(null), type(null) === "null");
console.log("type(true) //", type(true), type(true) === "boolean");
console.log("type(new Boolean(true)) //", type(new Boolean(true)), type(new Boolean(true)) === "boolean");
console.log("type('x') //", type("x"), type("x") === "string");
console.log("type(new String('x') //", type(new String("x")),type(new String("x")) === "string");
console.log("type(new Date()) //",type(new Date()), type(new Date()) === "date");
console.log("type(/x/) //", type(/x/), type(/x/) === "regexp");
console.log("type(new RegExp('x')) //", type(new RegExp('x')), type(new RegExp('x')) === "regexp");
console.log("type(X) //", type(X), type(X) === "function");
console.log("type(new X()) //", type(new X()), type(new X()) === "x");
console.log("type(document) //", type(document), type(document) === "htmldocument");
EDIT 06-30-2011: Chrome reports Arguments as “[object Arguments]”, which you may think incredibly useful. However, other browsers return [object Object] and there remains no easy way to differentiate arguments from non-arguments objects. So, I recommend adding another case at the end of the switch statement above:
case "[object Arguments]":
t = "[object Object]";
//and add this test:
var a = function () { return arguments; };
console.log("type(a()) //", type(a()), type(a()) === "object");