Api Testing With Cucumberjs And Promises
28 March 2014
CucumberJS helps JavaScript programmers by providing a test harness for the analyst-friendly, BDD language, Gherkin. One of the most recent additions to the project, Scenario Outlines and Examples, gives you even more power to cover derivatives of the “happy path.”
Feature: GET requests return available resources
As an unauthenticated user
I can request resources
Given I call the API
| environment | baseURL |
| DEV | https://raw.githubusercontent.com |
Scenario Outline: 'search' rules message
When I send a GET request to <path>
Then the response code is <code>
And the response body is <body>
| path | code | body |
| /AutoSponge/api-cucumber/master/test_data/1 | 200 | {"id": 1,"message": "success"} |
| /AutoSponge/api-cucumber/master/test_data/2 | 404 | Not Found |
All of the CucumberJS examples I found only test browser interactions through Zombie. But, since I test APIs as much as browser features, I figured someone else might find this useful as they start their own project.
I made the api-cucumber repo to act as a reference. Per usual, I try to write the code in a readable, functional style. As always, I welcome feedback.