Testing Polymer Web Components
For the first time in a long time, I find myself working with something completely new. Web Components will change the way we build applications. But the browser support and completed specs will take time to implement. In the meanwhile, we can use various projects, like polymer, to shim the functionality of web components into today’s latest browsers.
Citing Addy Osmani’s latest article, FIRST, we need to test our components.
I started with the yo polymer
generator. It uses bower while I prefer npm/browserify and it uses grunt
while I prefer gulp. But it does the job setting up the scaffold to get you started fairly well–except for testing.
I found the default setup incapable of running my tests. I never quite figured out why, but I always got the same error:
Warning: PhantomJS timed out, possibly due to a missing Mocha run() call. Use --force to continue.
Ultimately, I blame PhantomJS as it also times out using Testem:
...✗ testem ci -l PhantomJS
not ok 1 PhantomJS 1.9 - guid component "before all" hook
message: >
timeout of 2000ms exceeded
# tests 1
# pass 0
# fail 1
So, my solution for TAP output uses Testem with Chrome (testem ci -l Chrome
) which runs fairly quickly and
dumps the results to the console. When I want to see it in the browser or debug, I run the test/index.html
page as if it were an application (requires a slight reconfiguration of the Gruntfile.js).
I learned that much of the “windup” of a polymer component in Chrome happens asynchronously, so I often write a mocha before-all hook like this:
// setup
// var component; declared elsewhere
before( function ( done ) {
component = document.createElement( 'my-component' );
document.body.appendChild( component );
var check = setInterval( function () {
if ( component._readied ) {
clearInterval( check );
}, 300 );
} );
I also learned that while adding components to the test harness works easy enough, removing them throws errors if you don’t also disconnect the listeners. Many of my tests have a mocha after-all hook that looks like this:
// teardown
after( function () {
// we need this because <some child component> will be nested
// and throws a TypeError when it gets removed
component.shadowRoot.children.array().forEach( function ( e ) {
e._observers = [];
} );
component._observers = [];
document.body.removeChild( component );
} );
I glossed over a few details to keep this short and get to the harder to figure out bits. If you need me to cover other areas, let me know. Also, let me know if this helped you with your testing efforts.