Everyday Learning Tools
I find simple, practical code examples very important for learning new things. Tools like Rx Marbles, Promisees, and MetaJS blow me away. But I can’t move past these examples until I can integrate the concept. Connect it to something else I know and test a hypothesis about how the two components will interact. Often, that means cloning some repos, installing some dependencies, or building a project. That can get messy.
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Babel Npm Scripts
I don’t say it often enough, although I did gush on @sebmck at jsconf2015), I
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Iterating Nodelists
I was happy to meetup with other JavaScripters in Iceland. I was also happy to discuss my latest set of tools which includes Babel (via JSPM) when a discussion topic came up that I thought I had a handle on.
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The Speed Of Native Components
I did an experiment adding the Polymer todomvc implementation to the great todo-perf-comparison project. My theory was that, based on how web components update their models, any application using small components (with small models) would naturally perform as well or better than React.
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Virtual Dom Unleashed
I worked on a very large, very complex system with some great folks in one of my previous jobs. A particular leader kept using abstractions I couldn’t buy into: factory, widget, state machine. I eventually found a use for these abstractions but now they’re under threat of being completely replaced. These are tools of the OO playbook–creating a system of “smart objects”.