02 January 2011

Here’s our highly evolved Guy:

var Person = function (name, basics) {
this.name = name;
this.stuff = basics || {};
this.index = -1;

Person.prototype.find = function (where, keep) {
var label = where.split("."),
box = this.stuff;
while (label.length > 1) {
if (typeof box[label[0]] === "undefined") {
if (keep) {
box[label[0]] = {};
} else {
} else {
box = box[label.shift()];
return [box, label[0]];

Person.prototype.keep = function (what, where) {
var found, box, label;
if (where) {
found = this.find(where, true);
} else {
found = [this.stuff, this.index += 1];
box = found[0],
label = found[1];
if (typeof box[label] === "undefined") {
box[label] = what;

var Guy = function (name, basics) {
var person = new Person(name, basics);
this.have = function (what) {
if (typeof person.find(what) !== "undefined") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
this.show = function (what) {
var found, box, label;
if (typeof what === "undefined") {
found = [person, "stuff"];
} else {
found = person.find(what);
box = found[0];
label = found[1];
if (typeof box[label] === "object") {
return JSON.stringify(box[label]);
} else {
return box[label];
this.please = function (action) {
var request = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
if (typeof action === "function") {
action.apply(person, request);
} else {
if (person[action]) {
person[action].apply(person, request);

Guy.prototype.keep = function (what, where) {
this.please("keep", what, where);

var bob = new Guy("Bob");
bob.keep({socks: 2});

During the refactoring of Person, it became obvious that the “keep” method was really a Person method that Guy implemented.


Now, we can safely introduce our Guy to another Guy and trust that their stuff will stay where we put it.


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