06 June 2011

For performance reasons, I wanted to quickly audit what selectors a site used with jQuery. Using the script below, I evaluated the $profile object to get an idea of how often Sizzle was engaged and for what types of elements. It really helps to add this before document.ready (when all the Sizzle craziness starts) but after jQuery and your plugins load.

//this object holds the results
$profile = {};
old$ = jQuery;
$ = function () {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
if (args && args[0] && typeof args[0] === "string") {
$profile[args[0]] = typeof $profile[args[0]] === "undefined" ? 1 : $profile[args[0]] += 1;
return old$.apply(this, arguments);
old$.extend(true, $, old$);
jQuery = $;


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