22 March 2014

In the rewrite of svg-clock, I became enamored with the util.inherits pattern. With Browserify, it works on the server and in the browser. I’m a little late to the party. Several other libraries I follow already use this pattern and for good reason.

While watching Eric Elliot’s video excellent presentation on the subject of modules, one thing didn’t jive with me– “Don’t Export Constructors” (10:06 in the video). The suggestion to only export factories because it forces code consumers to use the new operator and prevents factory abstractions later seemed a little heavy-handed. I tried to do another refactor of svg-clock where the SVG module exports a factory. But because I used an object pool on the constructor, my code broke.

To preserve the ability for module consumers to extend constructors, I want to modify that advice to, “Export instances or constructors with factories”. I just added a feature to perfget which I plan to use often. I created an empty constructor function and exported an instance of the constructor. This allows module consumers to inherit the .get() method in their own constructors using util.inherits( MyConstructor, perfget.constructor ).

For modules needing more initialization, you might consider exporting a constructor with a static .factory() or .create() method. The module consumer can avoid the new operator with var factory = require( 'Module' ).factory and yet retains the power of util.inherits( fn, Module ).

Update: I figured I should support other patterns for inheritance, so I updated perfget to 0.2.1 to support Object.create. This time, I used a factory to generate a clean instance from the constructor I added under the hood in 0.2.0. This means that my old API did not change, I just have another (better?) way to include perfget’s the functionality.

While trying to publish, I kept getting EPUBLISHCONFLICT errors. After updating npm, npm install npm -g I was able to publish again.


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