_part_, a meta-utility, proposes a pattern for creating utility functions from native methods using a more functional programming style. However, rather than settle the “argument” of function-first versus receiver-first, _part_ offers a simple, yet intuitive, way to use both styles.
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Function First With Native Methods
I keep seeing lodash and UnderscoreJS fighting for popularity, but every time I see either library mentioned, I can’t help but think back to Brian Lonsdorf’s great talk Hey Underscore, You’re Doing It Wrong!.
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Flow Toward Maintainability
The more complex your code, the more trouble you (or other hapless souls) will have maintaining or enhancing it. This is especially important for open source software. Sometimes we pride ourselves on complexity and some shameless developers parley it into job security. But while we can make complex systems, we should make the inner components of that system as simple as possible.
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Introducing Stack
Stack.js began as a simple, academic exercise to explore the utility of linked-lists in JavaScript. I think Nicholas C. Zakas’s article made me curious, initially, but the more I learned, the more I appreciated this simple structure. For instance, programmers can use linked-lists, like arrays, to implement other well-known structures like queues and stacks.
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Jsonp And Swagger Ui
First, I want to tell everyone how much I like Swagger and Swagger-UI. That said, Swagger-UI does not support making JSONP calls despite the fact that many APIs support them.